Friday 12 November 2010

Target audience and age rating

Within our group we have chosen an age rating of 15. This allows us to appeal to both a teenage and more mature audience and the same time. It also ensures we can use adult humour without offending younger audience members. A 15 age rating is useful in gauranteeing we can reach a broad audience and not have to make our film specific to a niche audience.
Our actual target audience will range between 15 and 35 as we feel these age groups will appreciate the film more than any other. We have not aimed for a certain gender this year as we will feel with an almost 'spoof' rom com, ther humour used will appeal to men and the romantic perspective will appeal to women, meaning the film is suitable for both genders. By making it an American production we are aiming to attract both an American and British audience so there will be features included to appeal to both. The American characters but classic rom com format allows this. Other films we looked at that had inspired our film also used this certificate including, 'Juno' and 'Bridget Jones' diary'.

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