Friday 12 November 2010

Initial ideas and research

We have commenced further resarch and as a result have further developed our ideas for our coursework. We've decided that our film will be an American production as most 'cheesy' rom coms are produced in America. However we have not decided on a institutions or distributer. We also (after naming our characters Buddy Johnson and April Day) were inspired to use the Buddy Holly song 'Everyday'. Of course being aware that we cannot use copyrighted products in our film, we looked into the ownership of the Buddy Holly songs and came across Decca Records, who we then emailed and have so far heard no reply. If this is not possible we have asked a fellow student who is established in music whether he would help us create an underscore, similiar to the style of music used in the film 'Juno'. We have created our story board which now allows us to finish our film magazine and film poster mock ups.

In order to create our film magazine and poster we have been looking at fonts to use for our title as this will occure in all three parts of the coursework. These have not been finalised yet but here are some examples taken from the website ''

We drew this inspiration again from films such as 'Juno', 'Superbad' and 'Napoleon Dynamite' as these are the genres we want to parody.

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