Monday 1 November 2010

Research on rom com film posters

When researching other rom com film posters I came across these examples :

The positioning of the actors in 'Ghost of girlfriends past' shows an instant connection between the pair but being back to back illustrates there's a problem between the pair. The three pictures positioned in the background form the shape of the holy cross and illustrates the idea of 'ghosts' in the film. The grey background emphasises the main characters and the bright white and red tag line and titles which echoe the colours in the picture.

In the 'Bridget Jones' poster the sterotypical female colours of pink and purple are used to emphasise the genre. The plain white background again emphasises the characters and genre of the film. The tag line uses the rule of three a common feature in film posters, 'Big lawyer Big liar Big problem'. The handwritten effect represents Bridget writing in her diary. The picture being below the factual text is slightly unusual but it draws the focus on the characters face. Bridget Jones being positioned in the middle of the image focuses on her character being torn between the two men.

'Along came Polly' is a slightly unconventional rom com created through disequillibrium of what initially appears to be the main characters. This poster is also slightly unconventional using a background not seen within the film which is just as bright and noticeable as the main characters. The tag line at the top tells the audience of the writers identity, which informs audiences of the type of comedy seen within the film. The characters different costumes show a difference between them, with Ben stiller dressed in a formal suit and Jennifer Anniston dressed casually. The white and red themed writing is conventional to most rom com film posters, implying this is a conventional rom com.

'The break-up' is an unconventional rom com as it focuses only on the break-up between the couple and in the end they remain seperated. This poster demonstrates the unconventional nature of the film with the blue and grey colours and the division between the couple. The different coloured titles are meant to represent different genders used the stereotypical colours of pink and blue.

'Date movie' is a spoof rom com which also parody other films such as 'Napoleon Dynamite'. The bright red background and bold black title break the conventions of most rom com posters. The rude symbols such as 'unrated' and the pair of pants on the letter 'A' have sexual connontations which despite being seen in most rom coms are not portrayed in advertisement as it lessens the romantic side to the film.

1 comment:

  1. Some good analysis here Amy to convey the genre of the film. You need to consider the background colour/set on your poster in comparison to these and your choice of font and positioning.
