Monday 22 November 2010

Set location

When creating our film ideas we decided to shoot the film within a high school setting. Because of the films date of release - January 2012- we have decided to shoot our film in november so that the weather enties with not only the season of film release but also because our film will be set over a winter period. We intend to use our school as the setting as it is as close to a highschool setting as possible. Here are some of the setting we have looked at which could possibly be used both for filming and for our film poster.

The outside shot would be used during filming as it is situated on a pathway between two main buildings and looks like school grounds. The second indoors shot would be used for the film poster, rather than taking a photo outside as the mock up film poster demonstrates, we though it could work better inside with other students in the background to emphasise the age of the main characters and the school setting.

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