Tuesday 15 March 2011

Filming evaluation

Whilst filming our teaser trailer we aimed to use as many convetions of a comedy as possbile to suit the genre of our film. We set it in a highschool and used teenage romance as the basis of our comedy. We used a typical comedy narrative, of a couple trying to get together whilst overcoming a number of issues.
We tried to use as many conventional camera angles and shots as possible. Similiar to films such as 'Juno' and 'Napoleon Dynamite' we used simple camera angles such as close ups, side shots and wide angled shots. We added obvious humour to the trailer through costume, mise en scene, music, props, stereotypes and unconventional scenes such as the final running shot, where rather than running into eachothers arms, the pair collide.
We purposely stereotyped our characters so that the humour was obvious. They were dressed in completely over the top and unfashionable ways so that they contrasted with other characters in the film such as the cool guy and girl in the beauty shot.
Our film is mostly a comedy with an elements of a spoof film with the romance budding between the characters.

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